Word Scramble for the Last Supper
On the night Jesus was arrested, just a few minutes earlier, He shared a special meal with His disciples. In John 13–17 we learn that Jesus shared the annual Passover meal with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. That Passover meal was the last meal Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion and became the first “Lord’s supper.” Many Christians and churches today remember and celebrate this event with Maundy Thursday observances. During this meal, Jesus shared many important things with his disciples and tried to prepare them for what was coming. This Word Scramble for the Last Supper will help young readers review some of the important details of this event and learn that we should remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us. This activity can be used at home or in a class setting like Sunday School.
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- Disciples, Jesus ,
- Grade School (Readers) ,
- The Last Supper, The Lord's Supper