Large (11X17) Printable Activities

Many of our printable activities (see the list below) now come in a larger, 11X17 inch version which is great for teaching pictures, jigsaw puzzles, and other activities where children can benefit from the larger format. These are especially good when printed on card stock. If you take these to a print shop, they may ask for a letter of permission that you can find here.

The Tower of Babel Large Jigsaw Puzzle

Not long after the flood (Gen. 6-8), people got together and decided to make a name for themselves by building a huge tower. We read about this “Tower of Babel” (Babylon) in Genesis 11. These efforts were driven by human pride and represented the growing determination of humanity to live on their own, apart from…

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God Made A Promise to Noah Large Jigsaw Puzzle

In Genesis 8 and 9, God made one of His most important promises to Noah and to all the people of the earth. After destroying the earth with a great flood, Noah, his family, and the animals emerged from the ark, and Noah worshiped God. God then promised Noah He never again would destroy the…

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God Sent A Great Flood Large Jigsaw Puzzle

We first read about sin coming into the world in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The chapters following that story reveal the pervasive and damaging impact of sin in the world. All this builds up to God providing a solution to…

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God Guided Noah Large Jigsaw Puzzle

In Genesis 6, God gave Noah some very specific instructions about preparing for a coming flood. God had a plan for dealing with sin and evil. Noah was part of that plan. And while Noah didn’t understand everything God wanted him to do, Noah trusted and obeyed God anyway. This God Guided Noah Large Jigsaw…

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Joseph Told About Jesus Large Jigsaw Puzzle

In Matthew 1, we find the story of Joseph and how he reacted to the news of Mary’s pregnancy. When Joseph, who was betrothed (similar to an engagement) to Mary, learned that Mary was pregnant, he was bewildered and hurt, believing she had been unfaithful to him. But, Joseph was a good man and didn’t…

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Mary’s Story Large Jigsaw Puzzle

God had been orchestrating the events leading up to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, since Genesis 3:15. Like other characters in the story of Jesus’ birth, John the Baptist was part of God’s great plan of redemption and restoration. When Mary, the Mother of Jesus, learned that she would be the mother of the…

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Prophets Told About God’s Son Large Jigsaw Puzzle

In Isaiah 9 and Micah 5, we find two of the most important prophesies concerning the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. These prophecies were an important part of what the Jewish people (the Hebrews) believed and how they looked at life and the future. Many Jewish scholars of that time had spent their entire lives studying…

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An Angel Spoke to Joseph Large Jigsaw Puzzle

Matthew 1 tells us that an angel appeared to Joseph while he was trying to decide what to do about Mary, the woman he was planning to marry. According to Matthew 1:18, “it was discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.” Joseph didn’t know yet that the child was…

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Gabriel Spoke to Mary Large Jigsaw Puzzle

Gabriel Spoke to Mary Large Jigsaw Puzzle

This Gabriel Spoke to Mary Large Jigsaw Puzzle will help underscore for kids the reality of the virgin conception and the truth that Jesus would be born of flesh AND the Spirit. You can learn more about Gabriel’s Visit to Mary here. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site,…

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