Matching Game Bible Activities for Children

Matching games are great for developing memory recall while also reviewing key elements of the relevant Bible story. Here's how the match game works. Shuffle eight pairs of tiles and lay them facedown on a table or solid surface. Explain that each child will take turns to turn over two tiles. If you have a match, you get to remove it from the "board" and try again. If you don't have a match, your turn is over. Whoever has the most tiles at the end of the game wins. These match game activities highlight various Bible situations and themes. Click on the picture or title of an activity in the list below to be taken to a web page where you can download it.

Match Game for Paul Escaped in a Basket

This Match Game for Paul Escaped in a Basket will help children understand that God will give us strength to do the things He asks us to do. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the…

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Jesus and Nicodemus Match Game

Jesus and Nicodemus Match Game

This Jesus and Nicodemus Match Game activity will help kids understand more about the important encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus and Jesus’ wonderful message of love. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the links below.

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Match Game for Elisha Healed an Army Captain

Match Game for Elisha Healed an Army Captain

This Match Game for Elisha Healed an Army Captain will help kids understand that God has a love for all people and desires to use His people to bless others. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via…

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Joseph’s Story Match Game

Matthew wanted his readers to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. So, in Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew recorded the true story of an angel appearing to Joseph (who was engaged to Mary) to reassure him and tell him to take Mary as his wife. The angel told Joseph that the baby…

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Match Game for God Answered Hannah’s Prayer

During the period of the Judges, Hannah desired to have a child. We learn about Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:10-20. She and her husband, Elkanah, went to worship and there Hannah prayed that God would give her a son. She promised that he would be dedicated to the Lord. God answered her prayer and she…

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Match Game for Where Was Jesus

We don’t know much about Jesus’ childhood. We do know that when Jesus was 12, He and His family went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. On the way home, Mary and Joseph noticed Jesus was missing and returned to look for Him. They found Jesus in the temple complex talking with the teachers there.…

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God Gave Strength to Samson Match Game

In Judges 13–16, we learn that God had given Samson great strength which Samson used to defeat Israel’s enemies. If the Old Testament had a super hero, it would be Samson. But Samson’s strength came from the Lord, not his suit, or a specially evolved ability, or something from another planet. When Samson acted foolishly,…

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Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet Match Game

The story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet is found in John 13:4-5, 12-15. This story is a wonderful example of how Jesus showed humility and served others. It is actually intended to demonstrate how real power operates in the Kingdom of God. Unlike the political and military power of the Romans, real power finds…

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Match Game for God Helped Ruth and Naomi

The cherished love story of Ruth and Boaz, found in Ruth 4, is a wonderful example of God’s providence and a picture of God’s redemptive love. It’s also a story about how God helped Ruth and Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law. After several tragedies left Ruth and Naomi at risk, Ruth, a non-Israelite, committed herself to stay…

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