Do Not Murder Scripture Page
This printable scripture poster will help children learn that all human life is valuable to God and that we should always strive to honor human life. This is just one of many activities we have on Sunday School Zone related to the Ten Commandments. You can find a summary of 10 Commandments for Kids activities and resources here.
Description: Do Not Murder Scripture Poster
Bible Text: Exodus 20:13a
Bible Lesson: The sixth commandment deals with the sanctity of human life. The Hebrew word for “murder” here is the word for homicide and refers to killing other humans, not killing in general. Because we have been created in the image of God, humans carry higher value than other forms of life. Because of that, God demands that we value and protect human life at every stage. This printable scripture poster will underscore for children the value of human life and the need to protect it.
You can also see a list of the types of free, printable Bible activities we provide on the site.
For other related activities, see the links below.