Easter Bible Activities for Kids
Every sincere Christian parent and/or children’s Bible teacher desires to see the children under his or her care come to know Christ personally and then become a follower of the Savior. This 83-page printable PDF is a simple collection of Easter Bible activities for kids and is designed to help the parent or teacher involve their kids in a fun engagement of the Bible and, as a result, help them better understand the events associated with Easter (the triumphal entry, the last supper, the crucifixion, and the resurrection), the God we serve, and the Son who gave his life for us. Easter Bible Activities for Kids is completely free and can be downloaded immediately by clicking the Get Activity button toward the bottom of this page. Once downloaded, here are some things you might want to know about the collection.
Before You Print Easter Bible Activities for Kids
Browse through the pages to see if you want all of them. There may be activities here that are too simple or, perhaps, too demanding for your children. No need to print all of the pages if you can’t use them.
Articles for the Parent/Teacher
As a rule, articles are intended to help grow your own understanding so you can better communicate the meaning of Easter to kids.
The Crucifixion
Many churches avoid talking in any depth to younger children about the crucifixion. This is, in part, due to the subject matter, but it’s also because Good Friday falls BETWEEN Palm Sunday and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday. Where do you put a study of the crucifixion if you’re going to study Jesus’ Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday? Churches will have to determine whether they want to place a study of the crucifixion ahead of Palm Sunday (out of sequence) or simply have the study fall on Palm Sunday. As a parent, you have more flexibility and may wish to study the crucifixion on or near Good Friday. You will have to use your discretion and familiarity with your kids to determine what to say about the crucifixion. It may be adequate simply to mention His death in explaining the resurrection.
“My Kids Can’t Read!”
Some of the content in these pages is for you, (the parent or teacher). Some of the activities will require reading skills on the part of children and some won’t.
Where Did Easter Bible Activities for Kids Come From?
This is a compilation of Bible activity pages compiled from SundaySchoolZone.com, a free site dedicated to providing free, printable Bible activity pages and other resources for parents and churches. These pages and many more can be found on the site completely free.
The Sunday School Zone Update
We publish a free email newsletter for busy parents and teachers that provides helpful tips and updates on activities published on the site. It’s called The Sunday School Zone Update. If you haven’t signed-up, we invite you to do so.
Are There More of These Activity Books?
Other volumes of Great Bible Activities for Kids have been published or are being planned. Check the site or be sure to subscribe for free to The Sunday School Zone Update to find out when they’re available.
Contact Us
If you wish to contact us, you can email us at [email protected] or mail us at Sunday School Zone, 1702 Villa Circle, Lebanon, TN 37090. God bless you as you use these activity pages to teach children about the wonderful love of our Savior!
The Staff at SundaySchoolZone.com