Bible Activities for 3- to 5-Year Olds

Older preschool includes 3 or 4-year-olds through 4 or 5-year olds, depending on how the church organizes its classes and when the child's birthday falls.

John Told About Jesus

This lesson will introduce older preschoolers to John the Baptist, the prophet who bridged the gap between the Old and New Testaments. It was John who introduced Jesus to His people and affirmed that Jesus was God’s Son.

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Where Was Jesus?

This lesson will introduce older preschoolers to the story of Jesus in the temple at the age of 12. Luke’s account of this event tells us about Jesus’ revelation of Himself as the Son of God.

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Simeon and Anna Saw Jesus

The story of Simeon and Anna will help older preschoolers understand that Jesus is God’s Son by showing that God revealed Jesus’ identity to Simeon and Anna.

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Six Elements of God's Unfolding Story—Bible Story Teaching Picture

God’s Unfolding Story – (One)

In this study, preschoolers will be introduced to the “big picture” story we find in the Bible. We call this “big picture” story God’s unfolding story. According to the Bible, God created the world, and He made human beings in His own image; but people rebelled against Him. God, therefore, took steps to redeem human beings and bring them back to Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. One day, He will bring history to a climax and right every wrong. His Son will reign supreme. This is God’s unfolding story, of which all people are a part.

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