Lesson Unit: Jesus’ Birth

All of God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum is now available for free. Some units, like this one, are available for immediate download below. We are slowly getting the others switched over. If you’d like to acquire any of the other lessons or units, simply contact us and we’ll get you what you need. This is the Jesus’ Birth unit.
Jesus’ Birth Unit (Five Lessons)
The simple birth of baby Jesus represents the advent or coming of God in human flesh and the ultimate step in His plan to redeem humanity and establish His kingdom. But as we will see in this unit, the events leading up to and surrounding His birth are not simple. Jesus’ birth fulfilled the promise of God given as early as Genesis 3:15 while also anticipating the ultimate fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the central figure of God’s unfolding story and His birth is indeed a wonderful event to study, understand, and celebrate! This Jesus’ Birth unit will affirm these truths. Lessons in this unit are listed below. Just click on each lesson title to access the individual lessons. A printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page is accessible here.
Unit Bible Lessons
Prophets Told About God’s Son
Many parents send out birth announcements after heir children are born. God sent angels to announce Jesus’ birth when He was born, but He also let people know hundreds of years earlier, through His spokesmen called prophets, that His Son would be coming to the earth. That’s what this lesson is about.
Gabriel Told About Jesus
In this lesson, older preschoolers will learn that Mary received a visit from an angel named Gabriel, who told her that God had chosen her to be the mother of His Son, Jesus.
Joseph Told About Jesus
In this lesson, older preschoolers will learn how Joseph, the man whom Mary was going to marry, learned that the baby Mary growing inside Mary’s womb was God’s Son.
Shepherds Told About Jesus
In this lesson, older preschoolers will hear, or hear again, how some shepherds who were keeping their sheep near the place where Jesus was born learned about Him and His arrival. Quickly they made their way to Bethlehem to see Him.
Wise Men Told About Jesus
As a young child, Jesus was visited by wise men who traveled many miles to come and worship Him. This lesson will inform and remind preschoolers about the wise men’s important visit and what we can learn from their experience and example.