Mary Visited Elizabeth Spot the Differences
Description: Mary Visited Elizabeth Spot the Differences
Bible Text: Luke 1:39-56
Bible Lesson: Mary had been visited by an angel telling her she would conceive of the Holy Spirit and bear the Messiah. It’s hard to imagine what Mary felt as a result of learning this extraordinary news. The angel encouraged her and she responded in faith. Mary’s relative, Elizabeth, was also dealing with a miraculous conception. Can you imagine the conversation between them when Mary visited Elizabeth? What was God doing? Why had He chosen them? These are normal questions when God calls us to a special task. This printable spot the differences activity will help children imagine this conversation between Mary and Elizabeth and think about how they might respond to God calling them to do something special.
- Related Activity Links:
- Christmas, Faith, Salvation ,
- Elizabeth, Mary and Martha (sisters to Lazarus) ,
- Grade School (Readers), Older Preschool, Preschool (Non-readers) ,
- Mary Visited Elizabeth, Mary's Story